Monday, July 23, 2012

It's Only Monday?

Today was the most ordinary of days. I went to Chinese class, had lunch, did my homework, went to TCM class (the lecture was on diagnostic and therapeutic strategies), and then came home. I made a trip to the store to buy more paper for flashcards, and I had some interesting conversations with classmates. I think that's about it; I really needed to take the evening off, so I did. It felt like a Wednesday all day, particularly because we had so many announcements at lunch. There were 7: the rain on Saturday was the heaviest in 61 years, there was enormous flooding and 31 people died; TCM field trip leaves at 1:00 on Wednesday; wear pants to the TCM field trip on Friday; schedule for Saturday's excursion; changing the lunch format, so bring ID cards to get lunch money tomorrow; two others that were more minor and I can't remember off the top of my head. There's nothing really to post about, but I needed to record the day for continuity's sake.

Today is awesome because I got a perfect score on my tingxie (Chinese quiz).

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