Saturday, July 7, 2012

Marco Polo Bridge and Silk Market

First of all, THE HIGGS BOSON IS REAL!!! THEY FOUND IT AND PARTICLE PHYSICS AS WE KNOW IT EXISTS!!!!!!!!!!! This is really exciting. I'm kind of obsessed with the Higgs Boson Particle. It proves that the Higgs Field exists, and the way particles interact with this field is what makes things have mass.

And now back to China.

Today was the third of our excursions. We left at 8AM for the Marco Polor (or Lugou) Bridge which was built in the 12th Century and has lions too numerous to count. It is where the Japanese invaded to begin the second Sino-Japanese War on July 7, 1937, so we went on the 75th Anniversary of this event. After exploring the bridge, we walked through the old city of Wanping, and went to the museum to commemorate this war. The museum was very well organized, and had an extensive chronology of the Chinese perspective on the war.

The excursion ended early, so after a quick lunch in the cafeteria on Bei Da's campus, ten of us took the subway to the Silk Market. I had a great time there, and it is so much more fun to bargain for things when you can actually speak some Chinese. I pulled out my tai gui le, my numbers, I even tried to help my friend lower a price by telling a vendor who I bought something from that she was my friend (wo de pengyou). It felt really good to be a little more self-sufficient this time around. I bought two drawing/painting/some sort of artistic medium that I can hang on a wall, a silk scarf that has purple butterflies and flowers on it, a raincoat with a hood (it's "North Face," "Gore Tex," and two-tone green), and a "LeSportsac" backpack that has a pattern with elephants, lions, and giraffes on it. I'm really happy with my purchases, and I'm especially happy that I used Chinese to get the prices I was willing to pay.

I had noodles with eggplant from the cafeteria for dinner, took a well-earned shower (it was extremely hot today, though very cloudy), and relaxed for the remainder of the evening. I get so tired here!!

Today is awesome because I successfully used Chinese language away from Bei Da's campus.

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